a stock photo agency specializing in photographs of musicians.
8.5x11 inches $38.99 - 11x14 inches $44.99 - 13x19 inches $48.99
Use the search bar below to find images of a particular artist/band.
Or use the navigation buttons below to view the photo gallery for a musical act. Select the letter that corresponds to their first name.
Featuring over 2,000 acts, MUSICIANPIX is a stock photo agency, specializing in photographs of musicians. Many of the artists have been photographed multiple times at various venues over the years. Posted images of each act are only a small sample of what is available from our extensive archives.
Images on this site are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office in Washington, D.C.
All images are for editorial use only, unless an artist or their representation request them for promotional use.
Images on this site are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office in Washington, D.C.
All images are for editorial use only, unless an artist or their representation request them for promotional use.